Blog Index

The following titles are currently available from CEI Internships. Each title is updated on an annual basis, with information provided directly by the employer. Please see the order form for pricing. To order, click here.



Internships in International Affairs is the only resource of its kind providing students with the opportunity to gain experience in the field of international affairs. Included are international policy organizations, government agencies, international trade organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGO's), relief organizations and international organizations. Internships available both in the U.S. and abroad are included.

The History Internship Book provides a wealth of information on hundreds of opportunities with Historical Sites, Museums, Historic Research Organizations, State Archives, Historic Preservation Groups and Living History Programs nationwide. It is the only resource of it’s kind and provides opportunities with over 150 organizations.

The Human Rights Internship Book features internship opportunities with over 150 organizations working for democracy and justice throughout the nation and the world. Undergraduates, graduate students and law students can make a contribution to the work of these groups while gaining hands on experience in Non-Governmental Organizations.

The Resort Internship and Seasonal Employment Guide provides current information on positions with resorts nationwide. It is over fifty percent larger than last year’s edition and provides complete information on thousands of positions with over 150 resorts nationwide.

The Sports Internship Book contains information on over 200 internship programs with sports teams (major and minor league), arenas and venues, conferences and leagues, college athletic departments, sports media, sports agents, tournaments, sports lawyers and sports marketing companies nationwide.

The Women's Rights Internship Book provides information about internships with organizations working for the cause of women's rights nationwide. Included are advocacy groups, domestic violence prevention programs, human rights commissions, reproductive health organizations and much more.

Fed Law - Internships with Fedral Legal AgenciesInternships with Federal Agencies nationwide. Nearly every federal agency is represented; Justice, EPA, SEC, NLRB, DOD, SSA, DOE, HUD and more. You name the agency and its here.

For the Prosecution: Internships with America's Prosecutors This publication provides complete information on internships with prosecutor's offices in nearly 100 cities nationwide.

Legal Services Internships - Interested in working for equal justice? Here's your chance. Over 120 legal services agencies offering internships for law students.



For the Common Good-Internships with Social and Community Service Agencies provides information regarding opportunities for students to work with agencies dealing with domestic violence, poverty, homelessness, education, drug abuse, community development, AIDS and more. It is an ideal resource for students majoring in social work, education, non-profit management, health care, sociology or students who want to serve their community.

Internships with America's Advertising Agencies is exclusively devoted to internships with the advertising industry. Hundreds of opportunities for students majoring in marketing, public relations, communications, graphics and more. It is the most up-to-date publication for opportunities in advertising nationwide.

Internships with America’s Top Companies - To create this resource, we surveyed the entire Fortune 1000 and followed up by checking web sites to ensure the most complete and accurate information. Over 100 of the nations Fortune 500 corporations are included.

The Congressional Internship Book provides the only comprehensive resource for students seeking internships with members of Congress.  This book lists all 435 members of the Senate and House of Representatives, including those from US Commonwealths and Territories.

The Big Green Internship Book contains opportunities with more than 200 environmental organizations. This resource supplies complete application procedures and contact information for conservation groups, wildlife preserves, environmental advocacy organizations, environmental education centers and nature centers throughout the nation.

The Media Internship Guide provides comprehensive information on internship opportunities with newspapers, magazines, and television outlets throughout the nation. With over 200 organizations represented, there are hundreds of opportunities for students majoring in journalism, broadcasting, English, graphic arts, web design, marketing and more.

Washington Internships in Law and Policy contains internship opportunities for students interested in policy, the environment, government reform, criminal justice, international issues and human rights in our nations capitol. Over 280 organizations are included.

Green Law - Over 150 environmental organizations nationwide offering law students the opportunity to work for the environment. Over 140 organizations nationwide are listed.

City and County Internships - City and county attorneys deal with some of the widest range of issues in the legal profession. Over 90 offices nationwide are represented. The positions provide experience in government contacts, environmental, employment, zoning and more.